
2021 Feng Shui & Chinese Astrology - the Year of the Yin Metal Ox

Want to know the Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui of 2021? Loaded with practical advice, Dean examines the Chi energy of the Yin Metal Ox year, going in-depth into predictions for each Chinese Astrology Animal Zodiac Sign as well as each of the Feng Shui directions using multiple Feng Shui schools.

The Chi of the Yin Metal Ox

The year of the Yin Metal Ox starts on the Lunar New Year, the 12th of February 2021. 2020 saw Metal Element being drained by the Rat, however the Ox has the opposite effect on Metal, making it bright and shiny. The global markets should stabilise by August.

Yin Metal is inward looking, intelligence that has wisdom, but while the energy of Yin Metal is excellent at details it has difficulty seeing the big picture. This indicates that there will be finger pointing and blame for the problems of 2020 without long term solutions.

The Oxen’s Earth is Yin Metal’s “Resource Element”, and has the effect of making Metal shiny. This means that we all need to be careful of only looking at the surface of things. 2020 was tough on most people and there will be a tendency to be distracted by shiny things rather than utilising the energy to create stability and security. 2021 will be “the year of the spin” in politics. The Resource perspective however, brings virtue, tolerance, love and ethics. I urge everyone reading this to not tolerate selfish behaviour from those in power and push for a better future that values compassion over profits.

2020 saw Water Element over-energised, draining the lungs (Metal) and attacking the blood (Fire). This year we have a very strong Metal Element, indicating a solution to the corona virus and an amazing recovery for the financial system/market. But; the real economy that most of us rely on is Earth, so property and other ‘real’ markets will languish by giving too much to the banks and financial system. For health, eat simple home prepared meals that support the digestive system and start filtering your drinking water.

The Lifecycle for 2021 is Yung

Lifecycles tell us where Yin Metal is in relation to the cycle of the Branches (Ox). Yung is very positive however a bit naïve.

This energy loves learning new things for curiosity’s sake and hopefully will see a big push towards better education.

Yung is a straight-shooter, so be clear in what you want this year.

If you are new to Chinese Astrology, you may not know that you have more than one Branch for the date and time you were born. While we will not be going into the effects of the annual Chi on the “Day Master’s”, it would be well worth your while to use a free online Chinese Astrology Calculator and check your whole chart, because you will actually have 4 Branches, one for the Hour, Day, Month and Year you were born.

A simple Four Pillars chart looks like this –

Find out your own Four Pillars BaZi chart here.

The Chinese Zodiac Animal Signs in 2021

Yin Metal combines with Yang Fire, and is Fire’s wealth. If you were born in a Yang Fire year (eg 1936 and 1996 are Yang Fire Rat years) or have a Yang Fire Day Master, then you will get many opportunities in 2021. Ladies with a Yang Fire Day Master will have great money luck, but not in love.

The Ox and Goat are an Earth clash – for Goats this year things will seem difficult, then some big drama will happen and everything will settle down, becoming better than before. This can be trying, but Earth clashes can create long term good luck (called “breaking open the vault”).

The Rat and Ox together form a “Six Harmony Combination”. This brings the Rat good luck during 2021, especially if there are two on your chart.

The Ox combines with the Rooster and/or Snake to form Metal, aligning with the Yin Metal Stem of the year. If you have this formation on your BaZi chart then your luck comes through Metal – being direct with others and focusing on your personal finances.

Similarly, a Seasonal Water combination will occur if you have both the Pig and Rat on your BaZi chart. Water is supported by the Yin Metal of the year, but Water energy brings good luck via creativity, the arts and nurturing others.

From a basic check of your Year Branch (Chinese animal zodiac), we can look at how the Ox will affect you –

子 Rat in 2021 (’48, ’60, ’72, ’84, ’96, ’08): The Rat and Ox combine to form Earth. Rats will find that they will receive kudos for their efforts and may have the opportunity to relocate for a better life. Romance and love are almost at their peak for Rat’s, a great time to find your significant other or to deepen existing relationships.

丑 Ox in 2021 (’49, ’61, ’73, ’85, ’97, ’09): The Ox has a mirror reflecting back at them in 2021. This can be positive or negative depending on your attitude towards self-analysis and change. The determined and stoic Ox is generally at peace with who they are, and will find that others come for advice. There is an improvement in love, but no fireworks. Your best life comes through being truly yourself and making deeper connections.

寅 Tiger in 2021  (’50, ’62, ’74, ’86, ’98, ’10): The Ox and Tiger are neighbours in the sequence of signs, if your Sign is Tiger and you have the Rabbit and Rat or Rabbit and Dragon on your BaZi chart, then 2021 will be an amazing year, incredibly smooth. Tigers in general will need to put more energy into family relationships, but will feel the urge to get away from it all. The strongest Qi for Tigers this year is justice and karma balance. This is a good year for good deeds.

卯 Rabbit in 2021  (’51, ’63, ’75, ’87, ’99, ’11): Rabbits may struggle with their finances this year, or find they need to rely on others to get by. It is not a year for investing, but for protecting your wealth. The best investments come from property as long they are in a stable area. Your health is really improving – stick to eating well, meditating is especially good for reducing stress and staying positive.

辰 Dragon in 2021  (’52, ’64, ’76, ’88, ’00): Hopefully Dragons who read last year’s article have made efforts to establish themselves in a stable environment, as the Ox has the potential to damage any efforts this year, especially when it comes to health. Interestingly, the Ox brings plenty of work and boosts to career, but Dragons will need to weigh up the costs of working too hard.

巳 Snake in 2021  (’53, ’65, ’77, ’89, ’01): The Snake combines with the Ox to form Metal, and in general combinations make life easy. This can work against Snakes if they are complacent or lazy as your health will suffer, but will have big benefits when the Snake applies themselves. For Snakes, the big three in 2021 are love, sex and money not necessarily in that order. With even a small amount of effort and focus, you can have what you want this year.

午 Horse in 2021  (’54, ’66, ’78, ’90, ’02): The clashing and drama from the Rat in 2020 has gone, but now the Ox puts stumbling blocks in the Horse’s way. These aren’t big life-changing problems, but small everyday frustrations, mainly to do with children and work. The good news is that the Ox rewards ethical and honest Horses.

未 Sheep in 2021  (’55, ’67, ’79, ’91, ’03): The Ox and Goat clash with each other, but as mentioned before, there is potential for good financial luck following the drama. Goats in a relationship will need to put effort into their spouse’s happiness or find themselves alone. Single Goats are better to stay single unless they have a Yang Wood, Earth or Metal Day Master on their BaZi chart and even then, it is unlikely to last the distance. Goats that focus on developing themselves and getting out to meet people will have the best year, and be able to make use of the clash to get ahead.

申 Monkey in 2021  (’56, ’68, ’80, ’92, ’04): The Monkey is Metal and well supported by the Yin Metal Ox. Money should continue to improve as it did in 2020 and many Monkeys may find themselves saying no to accepting more work. This will keep Monkeys mind off their love life, which is poorly aspected and they will also need to put more energy into their children’s lives. Any inequities that the Monkey has experienced over the last 5-10 years will balance out in their favour this year.

酉 Rooster in 2021  (’57, ’69, ’81, ’93, ’05): Roosters will continue their lucky financial run in 2021 and just like last year, the majority of relationships will be happy and joyful. Roosters do need to avoid legal problems this year, with a higher likelihood of losing, even if you are in the right. Health has been improving rapidly but if you’re not careful, there could be a relapse. Work on keeping those good habits.

戌 Dog in 2021  (’58, ’70, ’82, ’94, ’06): The Ox and Dog penalise each other. While good luck can come for the Goat through clashing with the Ox, Dogs will generally feel that 2021 is drab and uninteresting. This particular penalty is called ‘upperhand bullying’ and Dogs will regularly find themselves in situations where others put them down. The year brings hard work for the Dog, adding to the feeling of dreariness and Dogs may find their health gradually declines as a result. 2021 is a year for all Dogs to focus on their own wellbeing instead of everyone else like usual. Do the things that make you happy, avoid negative people and take time to relax.

亥 Pig in 2021  (’59, ’71, ’83, ’95, ’07): The Pig and Ox are acquaintances, the Rat is the mutual friend that brings them together. As such, Pigs will find support in strange places that they wouldn’t have thought to look. In fact, make a point of finding some Rat friends (they’ll be a year younger than you) to bring the hidden support out. Pigs will be working hard this year and having that support will make that effort well worthwhile.

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The following interpretations and recommendations are based on two main schools of Feng Shui – San Yuan Flying Stars and San He.

San He is based around calculations between Stems and Branches (similar to Four Pillars astrology). The main way to use San He is to reduce the impact of any negative formations (in red), then to activate any positive formations that are available (in blue).

You will get good results from following this advice, however it is not a substitute for having a trained Feng Shui practitioner assess the energy of your house. Try calculating and testing the annual stars with your own home’s Flying Star Feng Shui chart here.

The Luo Pan above has the annual formations from the Flying Star, San Yuan and San He schools of Feng Shui arranged for 2021 around the degrees of a compass. The Chinese representation of the compass is opposite to the Western, South is always shown at the top and the North at the bottom.

The Centre has the 6 Yang Metal star aligning with the Yin Metal Ox. The 6 star represents Heaven, and the centre is called “Heaven’s Heart”, the implication being good luck straight from heaven. The 6 star represents the father or oldest male in the house, so they will be the luckiest this year when activating the centre using Earth and Metal, such as crystals and coins.

The South has the annual 1 Water star visiting the 9 Fire palace – a meeting of the middle son and daughter. Very prosperous when together, but are better at the back of the house. Facing South or a front door in the South can bring affairs but the overall Qi is very positive. Place Wood in the South – plants and flowers are the easiest but bamboo with 4 shoots will boost intelligence and luck in exams. The first subdivision of the South is Yang Fire which combines with the Yin Metal of 2021, which will be great to open up to invite money into the house.

The Southwest is the 2 Earth Palace which is clashing with the annual 3 Wood. This configuration is called ‘bullfight sha’ and will mainly affect Monkey’s, Goat’s and the mother or oldest female in the house. It is best to avoid using this direction as an entrance to the house, and sleeping here will create stress. Fire is the best Element to use – some red in the décor, a candle or two, or some red envelopes will help reduce the potential for arguments.

The West is Metal in the Ba Gua, and has the best annual star 8 Earth to support it. Young women and girls as well as Roosters will be especially blessed in 2021 if their bedroom is located here. Open this direction, particularly the middle 15 degrees that has the San He “good income” formation. If you have an entry or lounge room here, then a water feature will bring prosperity to the whole family.

The annual 7 star moves to the Northwest visiting the Ba Gua 6 Metal. It is easy to assume that this is positive, however when the 6 and 7 are together it indicates sparks flying (think clashing swords). The Northwest represents the father, so despite the great Qi in the centre, there is potential for the father (as well as Dogs and Pigs) to be involved in arguments. Reduce the sparks by using Water and Wood together, any plant that grows in water (reeds, lilies, bamboo) will help and have the added bonus of improving wealth luck. Avoid using this area too much in 2021, as the annual Oppression (roadblocks) and Broken Luck (plans tend to fail) are active.

The annual 2 Earth star is in the North has inhibiting the Ba Gua 1 Water. The 2 is generally associated with illness, but can also indicate gossip and bullying. A front door or bedroom in the North indicates weight gain and digestion problems for males, especially so for boys. Use Metal objects and colours as much as possible, and avoid all Fire in this area. A calabash (gourd) will help to improve the illness aspect, a metal one is better than wood for 2021.

The Northeast’s 8 Yang Earth in is very well supported by the arrival of the 9 Fire star and indicates good luck in property, construction and government. If you are a builder or real estate agent, then activate this area with Wood, Fire and Earth; and possibly a water feature if you can avoid the Tai Sui (Ox direction) and San Sha 1 (Tiger direction). This will work for you if you are thinking of selling your home in 2021.

The East has settled down this year with the 4 Wood star replacing the 5 Earth. The East is 3 Wood in the Ba Gua, and doesn’t really like the 4 star. It indicates problems for women, mainly prompted by men. This will be most noticeable in February and November if your bedroom or front door are here. The cure here depends on the base Flying Stars chart. If there is a 2 or 5 star present, then the remedy is Metal (coins, metal objects and colours). Everyone else can use Fire (either colours or real fire) to boost the creative side of this combination. Keep the San Sha 2 portion of the East closed and locked tight.

The Southeast has the annual 6 Metal visiting the 4 Yin Wood palace. Wood does control Earth, but it is also the most negative of all the stars and will affect the skin, legs and digestive system. Girls, young women, Dragons and Snakes should avoid sleeping in this area. The best remedy here is Water combined with Metal, or saltwater cures. Place a small piece of copper into a clean jar along with a tablespoon or two of salt. Fill with water and place in the East, two or three of these will bring relief.

This article was written by Dean French in April/May 2020 and first published in Wellbeing Astrology Annual Magazine 2021. It is not available for download, and presented as written at the time as an example of Dean’s portfolio. You can purchase a full copy of the magazine here.

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I hope that you are able to take something from the article and from the information I have on the website. May 2021 be a great year for you!

Chinese Zodiac and Astrology Resources

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Dean French

With over two decades of practical Feng Shui experience, Dean is known for his down-to-earth attitude and his direct and honest communication. A writer for Wellbeing Predictions and former writer for Wellbeing Astrology magazines, he has turned to a wider audience through this website. Visit to book an Astrology reading or Feng Shui consultation.

One thought on “2021 Wellbeing Feng Shui and Astrology

  1. Had been hospitalized for about 4 months. Didn’t get to start 2021 the way I wanted. The reel from 2020 really saturated a lot of negative chi and that took a toll on me. Apparently, it wasn’t only me, my husband felt it too, having laid off for 2 months before finally getting a job that allows him work from home. I just decided to come back to check this article to see what could have been this year. I know I worked on my law of karma very strongly, although I didn’t quite keep up with the Zodiac. Nonetheless, I look forward to 2022!

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One thought on “2021 Wellbeing Feng Shui and Astrology

  1. Had been hospitalized for about 4 months. Didn’t get to start 2021 the way I wanted. The reel from 2020 really saturated a lot of negative chi and that took a toll on me. Apparently, it wasn’t only me, my husband felt it too, having laid off for 2 months before finally getting a job that allows him work from home. I just decided to come back to check this article to see what could have been this year. I know I worked on my law of karma very strongly, although I didn’t quite keep up with the Zodiac. Nonetheless, I look forward to 2022!

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