
five elements

If you own a home, you are much more able to achieve balanced Feng Shui. You can move things around, paint walls, and renovate accordingly. However, as a tenant, this might prove more complicated since you don’t have the same freedom to adjust your property the way you want.

Feng Shui is a theory that revolves around the design and arrangement of your living and working spaces to achieve harmony and balance. The concept divides the world into Five Elements based on the inner planets, all of which have physical manifestations in different shapes, colors, objects and more.

Those interested in astrology may already know about the Chinese zodiac featuring twelve animal signs corresponding to different years. What you may not know is that Chinese astrology incorporates far more than just animals for divination purposes. In fact, the many methods used in Chinese astrological systems are considered some of the most accurate.

Feng Shui has become a common household term as it continues to spread into a diaspora of different meanings and uses throughout all continents and cultures. But while more people worldwide know about it than ever, not everyone fully understands what Feng Shui is, its roots, and why it is practised.