
Feng Shui office

If you’re a fan of the Da Vinci Code or have done a lot of studying in math, you may already know what the golden ratio is. Or, if you love interior design and are working on your home’s flow, you may be reasonably well versed in Feng Shui. But what do the two have to do with each other?

Feng Shui can bring work-life balance by regulating the energies surrounding individuals at home and in their workplaces. This ancient Chinese practice aims to balance the various elements that govern moods. It can also help to restructure and harmonize a person’s personal and professional lives.

Are you wondering how to add Feng Shui to your office but don’t know how to start? Read more and find out if the internet’s most popular Feng Shui office tips are worth following.

Feng Shui has become a common household term as it continues to spread into a diaspora of different meanings and uses throughout all continents and cultures. But while more people worldwide know about it than ever, not everyone fully understands what Feng Shui is, its roots, and why it is practised.

Money is everywhere in the world. It’s in our bank accounts, under our beds, and in the pockets of every person we know. But what about money Feng Shui?

How do you work out which Feng Shui cure to use? This article will show you how to divide the types of cures into categories to help you decide what type of Feng Shui cure you need to use.

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