

A safe, supportive home is something that everybody deserves. As the economy fluctuates, the people that are usually hit hardest are the ones who can least afford it. When you are accepted as a tenant, you’d like to make the most of the money you’re spending.

Research conducted in 2018 found that 42% of Americans believe that spiritual power lies within objects like crystals, and that number is rising. If you’re lacking in energy or need a boost in specific areas of your life, finding the right crystals can help reduce obstacles. Some crystals can even harmonize the energy in your living space, improving your Feng Shui.

Meaning wind and water, feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that aims to balance the energy around us. Chi energy can be yin (feminine) or yang (masculine), and the right crystals can bring balance between of both to create a sense of presence and calm.

Many people only think of the Chinese Zodiac as Chinese New Year celebrations get closer. There are some interactions between the Animal Signs that can last a lifetime, so if you find that others tend to use you or suddenly turn on you, you may be suffering from a Zodiac Branch Three Penalty.

Feng Shui is a practice that dates back millennia, and a large part of Feng Shui is based on Taoist practises that date back even further. Not all ghosts are bad, but if you are having inexplicable problems in life then you can try some Feng Shui methods to clear the space.

Crystals and gemstones have been used for their healing and beneficial properties for many centuries, and more recently for Feng Shui. Each crystal represents a different type of energy vibration and can amplify and improve various areas of your life.

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Zodiac signs help us find our identities, tell us who we’re compatibile with and assist in learning our strengths and weaknesses. Just like the western zodiac, each Animal Sign will feel an attraction to a particular crystal vibration.

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Did you know that the Animal Signs are used for more than just Love Compatibility? In fact, if you know your BaZi Four Pillars chart, you can work out your health, marriage, house compatibility, relationships with parents, wealth potential, and much more. Read on to learn more about how combinations and clashes can help you understand why you form certain relationships.

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Feng Shui has become a common household term as it continues to spread into a diaspora of different meanings and uses throughout all continents and cultures. But while more people worldwide know about it than ever, not everyone fully understands what Feng Shui is, its roots, and why it is practised.

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How do you work out which Feng Shui cure to use? This article will show you how to divide the types of cures into categories to help you decide what type of Feng Shui cure you need to use.

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